Office tour as the renovations continue

Since our arrival at Freeman House December 2014, we’ve seen lots of changes. The old house has become a vibrant, busy place where community groups gather and individuals find support.

Because it was such a beautiful day, I couldn’t resist updating our centre photos. Here’s a tour of the centre. Please excuse the mess as we reconfigure some things.

First, find the place. You can’t miss the orange/red steps and the rippling Pride flag.

If you are coming by car, you are welcome to park along the street in many places.
Some people like to enter through the front door of Freeman House. When the house is open here, you are welcome to say hi to the folks working for Family Service of Western Nova Scotia.
Some people like to enter through the front door of Freeman House. When the house is open here, you are welcome to say hi to the folks working for Family Service of Western Nova Scotia.
Side Door
This is the door devoted to our Centre.
Shoe Entry
Here you take your shoes off; we ask that guests to the house help keep it clean by using indoor shoes or sock feet only.
Take the orange steps to the second story.
Help yourself to free lube and condoms. They’re on top of the mini-fridge. Be careful on the steps though.
Take the orange door at the top of the stairs. Be careful, because it’s a step down into the hallway.
Go down the hallway and look for the Sexual Health Centre bulletin board and yet another orange door!
Bulletin Board
Check out the latest info on our bulletin board.
You’ll have to wait for pictures of our office; it’s currently being reconfigured and there are piles everywhere. Thanks for taking the tour of our section of Freeman House.